Saturday, March 24, 2012

Dog park

Play time. Winnie made a really compelling case for taking her to the dog park. My primary objection to the idea was that "I'm tiiiiiired! She made the point that, if she didn't get to go to the park, she was going to explode. Then there would be bits of golden retriever everywhere...and cleaning up that kind of mess was bound to be more exhausting than just driving her to the park in the first place. Touche, Winnie.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Winnie at the dog park

I wish I hadn't messed up and cut off the first video I tried to record--it would have contained the longest burst of Winnie playing with another dog.  (I think it was a boxer.)

Edit: I just listened to the audio (forgot that I had said anything in this video, as often I just record without comment. And I noticed that I had mentioned the mud puddles, but they weren't really featured in the video. Trust me--there were plenty of them. And lots of dogs absolutely *wallowing* in them.  Fortunately, Winnie didn't seem interested. And she was only really interested in the other dogs when they came up to her.

When I took Brady to the park, it was apparently his job to "secure the perimeter" before he could settle down and enjoy himself. (Read: lean against any human who would allow it.)

Winnie's job, as far as I can tell, is to sniff *everything*. She did run around some too, and seemed to enjoy herself.  Then I took her to PetSmart to try to find her a few toys.  All she really had was a few tennis balls, which seem to have become one with our yard and lost their appeal as toys. I thought I could let her choose something that caught her interest, but once again, it is her job to sniff *everything*. She can't "play favorites".