Saturday, March 17, 2012

Winnie at the dog park

I wish I hadn't messed up and cut off the first video I tried to record--it would have contained the longest burst of Winnie playing with another dog.  (I think it was a boxer.)

Edit: I just listened to the audio (forgot that I had said anything in this video, as often I just record without comment. And I noticed that I had mentioned the mud puddles, but they weren't really featured in the video. Trust me--there were plenty of them. And lots of dogs absolutely *wallowing* in them.  Fortunately, Winnie didn't seem interested. And she was only really interested in the other dogs when they came up to her.

When I took Brady to the park, it was apparently his job to "secure the perimeter" before he could settle down and enjoy himself. (Read: lean against any human who would allow it.)

Winnie's job, as far as I can tell, is to sniff *everything*. She did run around some too, and seemed to enjoy herself.  Then I took her to PetSmart to try to find her a few toys.  All she really had was a few tennis balls, which seem to have become one with our yard and lost their appeal as toys. I thought I could let her choose something that caught her interest, but once again, it is her job to sniff *everything*. She can't "play favorites".

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