Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Proud to be an Ohioan

 Yikes. I started this post over a month ago. I'd decided I should have more of an "as I lived it" recounting of these times, and told myself that I was going to write down actual thoughts. Clearly that was too high a bar to set myself right now, because I never actually went back and finished the post...

Echoing something I have seen a number of people write recently: I did not vote for Mike DeWine, and traditionally have not agreed with him on many issues, but I've been impressed with his handling of the current crisis. Like many, I was surprised when spectators were banned at the Arnold Sports Festival, several years ago, at the beginning of March 2020.

From the BBC...Coronavirus: the US Governor who saw it coming early 

I've been pretty impressed with the governor's ability to not say something that would earn him a rage tweet and stupid nickname from the president--while still advocating for his state.

This article talks about that: With Trump as president, DeWine’s crisis approach requires the art of politics

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