Friday, March 15, 2013

In which I sheepishly admit...

(, not really sheepishly) to being a "person of faith". Because, I am also rather liberal politically. And I have a Master's Degree. ALMOST a doctorate. But I've heard that "almost" only counts in horse shoes--or something like that. If it weren't for that pesky dissertation, I would have a Ph.D.

But, if you are in any way religious, that makes you "superstitious", right? Yes, I'm aware that in the United States, atheists (especially a vocal ones)  are on the receiving end of a great deal of prejudice. Especially if, for example, you aspire to any political office. Because there are some knuckleheads out there who believe that being an atheist automatically means that you lack any sort of moral center.

In my mind, that is bollocks. (Been watching a lot of British TV lately.) And I think that attitude is very wrong. But in the circles in which I travel, being a believer of any kind automatically means that you are not very bright. Or that you are looking for "easy answers". That perception, in my mind, is also bollocks.

The reason I feel compelled to bring this up at all is because Pope Benedict XVI resigned, necessitating the conclave to select a new pope. And it seems, at least among many of my Facebook friends, to mean "this is a good time to start piling on the Catholic church--again." Note: I no longer consider myself Catholic, but I was raised in that faith, and I bear no ill will toward Catholicism. Like any organization comprised of human beings, the Church is imperfect. But there are plenty of good (and intelligent, and thoughtful) Catholics.

Easter is now approaching, and, as many in my family attest, Easter is irrevocably connected in many of our minds with Grandma (my Mom's mom). To explain why this is the case would take much more time than I can afford at the moment.  She's the one on the far right.

I know the following statement does not pass muster as a "rational" argument, but these are nonetheless among the truest words I've ever spoken. Any religion that was good enough for this beautiful human being, by definition, can't be all bad.

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